Tuesday and still NO JOB...

This starts to be depressing. Vidde is working again, a full day 7.30am-4.30pm, but I have NO JOB. I keep on calling Coverstaff, but somehow they have a "hard time finding jobs for women". Typical...and bad timing, I guess.I have walked around downtown this morning looking for any openings, I have had a look online @ TradeMe (under jobs) and on www.backpackerboard.co.nz, but nothing right now.
Tomorrow I have a scheduled induction at a SSL Laundry at noon. It is a laundry place handling laundry from hotels and the hospital. Maybe they could offer me some work in the end of the week. I pretty much do a n y t h i n g to get some money in at the moment.
So, another day off. I took a long morning walk in this beautiful, sunny weather. I plan to study, even more, assignment #7 needs to be done by Friday... I maybe bake another gluten free apple pie. And probably hang out with Amanda, from Canada, who also is looking for a job...but doesn't have one at the moment (and her boyfriend Simon works).
Time for lunch :) 


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