My emotions play tricks with me
It is one of these days today. A day when I think A LOT about things and I let feelings come and go. I like those days and I hate those days, at the same time. Because days like this both takes and gives energy.
Days like today am I SO thankful for having friends and family that listen, give me advices and motivation. They remind me of who I have become and what I want and that I don't have to is okay to have; a day like this.
I had a really confusing morning, with some tears, but after some very meaningful conversations with people I truly appreciate having in my life was I able to enjoy a long, tasteful breakfast alone... I decided to put on running shoes afterwards, plugged in some "feel good music" and I went for an hour long powerwalk/run along Maitai River, in Queens Gardens and around cute neighborhoods.
Vidde is working today, he is buildning something, somewhere around Nelson. The only thing I know is that the work site is located on a hill with a beautiful view :) I am really happy for him, but I have not got any work yet... I have been calling Coverstaff several times asking about jobs available today, but unluckily nothing, yet!
So, my plan for now, after a long shower and good lunch, is studying, at least until I hear anything else from Coverstaff or until Vidde comes home from work :)
Postat av: Elin
Skönt att du fick tankarna tillbaka på rätt bana igen. Finns här för dig. We have these days <3 . Jobb kommer dyka upp förr eller senare :) Kämpa på så kommer allt lösa sig...
Tänker på dig, kramis <3 !